
Sunday, November 19, 2023

My Latest Holiday Mix Is Called "Christmas Cheer," and It's Ready Now!

My latest holiday mix is complete and now available on my holiday website for your listening and downloading pleasure. My 19th annual compilation is called Christmas Cheer, and it's stuffed to the brim with unheralded gems, seasonal greetings and unforgettable little nightmares just for you! There's nothing unusual about that, of course. It's pretty much the same formula I've been using for nearly two decades now. But this year it's ready not only before Black Friday but before you go shopping for your Thanksgiving turkey! Somehow I knew you're going to need your coping skills finely honed to make it through this season, and playing this mess in your car from the supermarket parking lot is simply the best way I know to prepare for the coming onslaught.

I'm not going to tell you too much about this mix at this point. You'll find all kinds of details by returning to this blog now and then between now and Christmas Eve. But I will tell you that Christmas Cheer contains a record number of song-poem tracks. You're familiar with song-poems, of course, right? They're those cute little numbers produced when non-professionals write a heartfelt verse and ship it off to a record company along with a sizeable piece of next year's grocery allowance in exchange for a 45 RPM record and empty promises to maybe make the lyricist a star. Just to set the stage, I've posted links below to a few song-poem tracks from my previous mixes. This should bring the memories flooding back, so I'd get ready with a bucket and mop! There's also a link to the appropriate page of my holiday music website. There you'll find links to this year's mix and a SoundCloud link where you can preview the first few tracks.

I hope we can have a little fun together between now and Santa's arrival going through the tracks together. The weather may be cold and frightful, but the fire's going to be delightful. Be sure to buy a big enough turkey for this Thursday's dinner, and don't forget the cranberry sauce!

Check out the Track List for my 19th and latest holiday compilation, Christmas Cheer

Download and listen to Christmas Cheer from the "Latest" page of my holiday music website

Read a Bit More About the Song-Poem Phenomenon

Order the CD "American Song-Poem Christmas" from amazon.com

Listen to "American Song-Poem Christmas" on YouTube

Listen to Rev. Susie the Floozy's Song-Poem Show (Part 2) from Bob's Slacktime Fun House

Hear "Santa Claus Goes Modern," by Bobbie Boyle with The Singers

Hear "Santa Claus Goes Modern," by Rod Rogers, Teri Summers and the Librettos

Hear "Ole Year Christmas," by The Sisterhood

Hear "Daddy Is Santa Really Six Foot Four?" by Kay Brown

Hear "Christmas Treat, Peppermint," by The Sisterhood

Hear "The Rocking Disco Santa Claus," by The Sisterhood

Hear "My Christmastime Philosophy," by Norris, the Troubador, and the Seabord Coastliners 

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